About Samuel – The Gamer Who Crafts Stories

Welcome to my corner of the internet! I’m Samuel, the voice behind this indie game blog. But before we dive deep into pixels and narratives, let me tell you a bit about the road I’ve traveled—a path paved with digital quests, lines of code, and a relentless passion for gaming.

Growing up in Rochester, New York, my childhood revolved around two main activities: devouring books and vanquishing video game bosses. My earliest gaming memory takes me back to the vibrant world of Super Mario World on the SNES. The thrill of exploring Yoshi’s Island, with its colorful landscapes and catchy melodies, was more than just fun—it was a gateway to a universe where anything seemed possible.

During those formative years, gaming was my favorite pastime, but it was also my primary way of connecting with friends. We would crowd around a flickering TV screen, strategize over levels of GoldenEye, and celebrate every boss defeat as if we had saved the world ourselves. These experiences didn’t just entertain; they sowed the seeds of community and teamwork in my life.

The transition from gamer to game maker began in high school. Armed with a basic understanding of programming from a computer science class, I tackled my first project—a simple 2D puzzle game reminiscent of Tetris. The joy of seeing others play something I had created was exhilarating and transformative. It wasn’t just about coding; it was about crafting experiences that resonated with others.

My passion for creating led me to pursue a Computer Science degree at the University of Rochester. College was a blur of algorithms, late nights, and coffee, but it was also a time of profound growth and learning. While my major honed my technical skills, elective courses in graphic design and digital media widened my horizon, blending my logical skills with creative pursuits.

Post-graduation, the real world called. I landed a role as a Tech Product Manager at a leading tech company in New York. While this job involves more strategy and management than game development, it still allows me to put my problem-solving skills to the test every day. Balancing user needs with technical constraints, much like balancing gameplay elements in a game, is a daily challenge and thrill.

Despite a demanding career, my love for games never waned. Gaming is not just a hobby; it’s a part of who I am. Nights and weekends, I morph into an indie game developer. From sketching character designs on my iPad to coding late into the night, each project is a piece of me. My latest creation, a narrative-driven adventure game, draws heavily on the folklore I loved as a child, blended with the complexity of modern relationships.

This blog is my platform to share that ongoing passion. Here, I dissect the mechanics of indie games, review new releases, and occasionally share glimpses of my own development process. Whether you’re a fellow game enthusiast or an aspiring developer, I hope my insights and stories resonate with you. So, why do I write, play, and create? Because games are more than just entertainment—they are gateways to new worlds. They are a way for us to challenge ourselves, connect with others, and tell stories that might otherwise go untold.

Feel free to reach out through my blog’s contact page, whether it’s to discuss game mechanics, ponder the narrative depth of the latest indie hit, or just to say hi. Let’s embark on this journey of exploration and creation together.

Thanks for stopping by, – Samuel